On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
On Wed, Jan 21, 1998 at 01:49:45PM -0500, Dean Anderson wrote:
But when you take the step from advocacy to actions you are violating the law in almost every case. You can advocate anything, but you can't go tearing down buildings, or in this case, intercepting communications.
If someone is stealing long distance services from AT&T are they prohibited from tracking/tracing/blocking the activity? Some spammers argue that their recipients buy flat-rate services and not bandwidth by the bit. Does that mean that someone stealing long distance can argue that it isn't really stealing because it doesn't cost AT&T for the services the thief steals? We are talking apples and apples here: electronic services/resources. Stealing is taking our using something without the owner (the person who paid for it) giving permission, even if the owner will later resell those services to a customer. If I buy a box of cornflakes to resell later, the fact that I will resell it doesn't mean you can take content out of the box before the customer receives it, esp when the customer will come back to me asking where the rest of the cornflakes are. Substitute bandwidth for cornflakes. If the spammer takes away bandwidth which would go to the customer, services have been stolen. With the use of frame relay clouds w/CIR's spam or smurf could definately impact on response time etc. - James D. Wilson netsurf@sersol.com