a reminder to everyone: nanog 43 submissions are due (past due, really). the program committee is already reviewing the many submissions we've already received and will shortly have our first conference call to select the first presentations for the agenda. now is your absolute best chance to get your presentation accepted for nanog 43 in brooklyn in june. http://nanog.org/mtg-0806/callforpresent.html (for more info). if you have been planning to submit a presentation, panel, bof or tutorial, now is the time to get it done. please go to http://www.nanogpc.org/ and get an abstract and some slides submitted (the slides to not have to be final but do have to be substantive enough for us to understand what the talk is about and convince us of the quality of the presentation). please email me with any questions. thanks, t. -- _____________________________________________________________________ todd underwood +1 603 643 9300 x101 renesys corporation general manager babbledog todd@renesys.com http://www.renesys.com/blog