MFS circuits have been coming back online in the last hour (about 6pm PDT) in the San Francisco bay area. Nasa Ames seems to be back in service for most peering. The location of the cut was identified as 30 miles south of San Francisco. I'm not sure who swapped fiber with whom, and who is sharing right of ways with others. I've heard both Qwest and MFS/Worldcom as the actual owner of the fiber right of way in question. I don't know the legal owner of the fiber, or if it really matters whether its the carrier's own fiber or their circuits are running in someone else's innerduct when the circuit goes down. Interactive week covers some of the reason why this cut may have affected things more than normal. The bay bridge fiber had a scheduled maintenance window, and was out of service, when the cut occured. http://www.zdnet.com/intweek/stories/news/0,4164,2626180,00.html Circuit grooming occurs more than carriers admit. When was the last time you checked your DLR? Although there is no evidence cuts happen more often when your redundent link is out of service, they're the ones everyone remembers.