Graham Johnston <johnstong@westmancom.com> writes:
We have historically been a CentOS shop when it comes to choice of Linux OS, and in turn that meant, largely out of laziness, that we used mbrowse to browse mibs and perform simple snmp test queries to devices, just manual work until we find what we want and configure something in our NMS. We are moving some servers to Ubuntu now with the change to CentOS/RHEL, and we are curious what others are using for a SNMP/MIB browser. An FOSS choice would be on top on our list as it is just easy to install from the repo, but I’ll take any recommendation that people have.
I've always wanted to write a new FOSS one in a modern framework (say, Qt). Haven't had the personal time to do it though (and it's unlikely I could attract funding to do it in today's leaning toward other technologies). tkmib, which comes with Net-SNMP, *probably* still works? I actually haven't run it in a while myself. -- Wes Hardaker