On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 15:18:30 -0700 Wil Schultz <wschultz@bsdboy.com> wrote:
I'm attempting to find out information on the SEO implications of testing ipv6 out.
A couple of concerns that come to mind are:
1) www.domain.com and ipv6.domain.com are serving the exact same content. Typical SEO standards are to only serve good content from a single domain so information isn't watered down and so that the larger search engines won't penalize. So a big concern is having search results take a hit because content is duplicated through two different domains, even though one domain is ipv4 only and the other is ipv6 only.
2) Not running ipv6 natively, or using 6to4. This (potentially) increases hop count and will put content on a slower GRE tunnel and add some additional time for page load times.
3) ??? Any others that I haven't thought of ???
If you are so concerned about SEO, just dual-stack your site. It works well for me. William