This will be the first nanog that I was planning to attend. The February time frame will conflict with another obligation I have as well. I have -NO- problem with attending nanog over Good Friday. Us network guys aren't supposed to have lives anyway, are we? ;) | Derek Elder http://www.accessus.net V.P., CIO | | djelder@accessus.net accessU.S., Inc. 888-637-3638 Ext. 222 | ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1996 17:59:15 -0500 From: Paul Ferguson <pferguso@cisco.com> To: Christian Nielsen <cnielsen@vii.com> Cc: "William B. Norton" <wbn@merit.edu>, nanog@home.merit.edu Subject: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: NANOG 9 Date Change This date also precludes my attending, but what the heck. Can't please everyone, I suppose. :-) - paul At 01:16 PM 11/25/96 -0700, Christian Nielsen wrote:
On Mon, 25 Nov 1996, William B. Norton wrote:
Hi all -
Thank you to those who pointed out that Friday March 28 is Good Friday.
We have worked with PacBell to move the NANOG 9 meeting up to Monday and Tuesday February 10th and 11th. The location is the same: The Grand Hyatt in San Francisco.
Wooo there.... After already ordering my airline tickets etc.... I think we should still have it as planned.