Note to self. When my opc/modbus code goes to hell and wipes out an hvac unit; blame cyber terrorists, crappy vendors, and provide a random shady ip address. This was sad when it was possibly an unprotected network, with poor password procedures, horrible protection code in the logics, etc etc. Now it even got worse. Sigh. Ryan Pavely Director Research And Development Net Access Corporation http://www.nac.net/ On 11/22/2011 6:32 PM, Michael Painter wrote:
andrew.wallace wrote:
Here is the latest folks,
"DHS and the FBI have found no evidence of a cyber intrusion into the SCADA system in Springfield, Illinois."
And "In addition, DHS and FBI have concluded that there was no malicious traffic from Russia or any foreign entities, as previously reported."
I'd bet we'll soon be hearing more from this loldhs pr0f character in .ro.