4 Feb
4 Feb
3:20 a.m.
At 14:12 2/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
Unless of course the publicity is that Verio can't be trusted to keep private information private. Or that the publicity is that Verio thinks it can use any private information that passes through it to its own ends.
Oh, please. What is so private about "150 packets went from to 456.456.456.456"? That's a mighty long way from "According to their email, Jim is cheating on his wife with Sally!" WHY do you keep floating this strawman at EVERY POSSIBLE opportunity? Hire a damn lobbyist and get your law passed, nobody but you thinks the current law applies. Microsoft Windows(tm): How much hair did you want to tear out today? Dean Robb PC-EASY computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]