At 12:26 PM -0700 8/18/98, EarthLink Information Security wrote:
While suggestions for denying relaying are appreciated, a majority of EarthLink members access our mail servers via POPs on the UUnet and PSI networks. Closing our servers to those networks is not possible (though they are effectively closed to relaying for all other traffic).
How about using POP before SMTP (works with any POP3 client), Authenticated SMTP (supported in Outlook 98 client) and XTND XMIT (supported in Eudora Pro 4.x) or just support all of the above? Then you would be able to close those mailservers to any relaying whatsoever. We support all of those mail-sending methods and because of that we have not relayed one single message for a non-customer in the life of our service. Regards, -- Wayne D. Correia Critical Path Inc. main: +1.415.808.8800 CTO <wayne@cp.net> San Francisco, CA 94105 USA fax: +1.415.826.6100 InterNIC: (WAYNE-ORG) http://www.cp.net 24/7 mobile: +1.415.826.6000 "we handle the world's email."