On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:59 AM Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi> wrote:
On 22 May 2018 at 17:43, steve ulrich <sulrich@botwerks.org> wrote:
sorry, yes. i was referring to SRTE wrt the pop operation.
Yup RSVP=>SR is more ambiguous and debatable than LDP=>SR which is unambiguous win.
not labels but they are encoded as labels. i hope operators have the option to configure common/consistent label ranges, but i don't necessarily assume it. tooling to resolve this will be required just as in the LDP world.
I've not had this tooling in LDP world, and not anticipating to need it in SR world. But maybe I'm missing something, what kind of information do you need in LDP world which you need to develop tooling for, and how does the problem+solution translate to SR world?
in the day's of yore, i know a few folks who built tooling to validate and/or detect failure to sync between the IGP and LDP or detect data plane black holing behaviors caused by resolution in the RIB w/no complementary label allocation (or LDP convergence lagging significantly). implementations have come a long way since then. but yeah, IGP-LDP sync lag has been a thing for some folks. in a world of anycast/prefix-SIDs some of this doesn't necessarily go away, it just looks kind of different. though to be fair, this alignment improves (the IGP/LDP convergence sync case goes away) for all the reasons you've cited previously in this thread. -- steve ulrich (sulrich@botwerks.*)