Sounds like the UK is even more overdue for civil unrest/war than the US is. Haven't the idiots in government ever seen 1984? I can picture it now. The SAS storms into the next NANOG convention citing "national security" as their reason because we happen to be discussing ways to encrypt data in our in-band and out-of-band management networks. One worse, the folks in the UK sat back and allowed your government to take away your firearms. I'm not saying that the US is _much_ better off but, thusfar, we still have firearms and are allowed to use whatever encryption we damned well please. On Mon, 1 May 2000, John Payne wrote:
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 08:27:40PM -0400, John Fraizer wrote:
PGP is your friend.
Not for UK folk: http://www.stand.org.uk/
-- John Payne jcapayne@att.com OpenNet Infrastructure Team, AT&T Global Network Services Mailpt C2E, c/o IBM North Harbour, PO Box 41 Portsmouth, PO6 3AU Tel - +44 (0)23 9256 1977, Fax - 23 9221 0543