On Mon, 4 Jan 2016, Ca By wrote:
Just a reminder, that 10% is a global number.
The number in the USA is 25% today in general, is 37% for mobile devices.
Furthermore, forecasting is a dark art that frequently simply extends the past onto the future. It does not account for purposeful engineering design like the "world IPv6 launch" or iOS updates.
For example, once Apple cleanses the app store of IPv4 apps in 2016 as they have committed and pushes one of their ubiquitous iOS updates, you may see substantial jumps over night in IPv6 eyeballs, possibly meaningful moving that 37% number to over 50% in a few shorts weeks.
This will squarely make it clear that IPv4 is minority legacy protocol for all of mobile, and thusly the immediate future of the internet.
True, but as noted in other recent threads, it would appear that IPv6 deployment in many areas outside the United States is nowhere near as far along. While IPv6 is the future (in some areas, the present), it's probably way too early to try to nail down a date to write the obituary on IPv4. jms