In the list of requirements, one that caught my eye was a 24/7 helpdesk. Does a help desk mean someone who tells you what is wrong and that it'll take you three days to get it fixed or one that can fix it immediately? AFAIK, the Internic doesn't have either on a 24/7 scale currently. They do have a NOC (I hear) but have never really seen it work, cough, very well. -Deepak. On Wed, 7 May 1997, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
The IAHC's proposal can be found at "http://www.iahc.org/draft-iahc-recommend-00.html". Any cutomers (including yourself) will need to contact one of the new registrars to get a domain registered (similar to how you go to InteRNIC for .com domains.) unless you are a registrar yourself. The requirements for becoming elligible to be a registrar are also listed in that document.
Please note that the domains are not scheduled to be available for over a year from now.
Information about the IAHC, its procedures, and its recommendations, as well as endorsing parties can be found at "http://www.iahc.org/".
At 08:34 07 05 97 -0700, Geoff White wrote:
On Wed, 7 May 1997, Cameo Wood wrote:
Citing "consistent and universal criticism," the IAHC announced that any service meeting financial and technical qualifications will be eligible to become a registrar. No lottery will be held.
Are these requirements listed anywhere? I've got customers chomping at the bit to get at these new domains. I just need to know how to register these domains.