Why do ISPs owe this to their customers. I expect my ISP to deliver packets sent to me, and, to pass along packets I send out. That is the sum total of what I expect from my ISP, and, it's what my contract says is supposed to happen. Where does this belief that when user A at company Y sends a packet full of garbage to user B ad company Z the ISP at either end is responsible for the contents of the packet? That's like making the phone company responsible for the content of a conversation or saying that Safeway distribution is responsible for the content of Arrowhead spring water bottles that reach Safeway stores. Owen --On Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:54 +0530 Suresh Ramasubramanian <ops.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/27/05, Fergie (Paul Ferguson) <fergdawg@netzero.net> wrote:
I've been there -- I know how I feel about it -- but I'd love to know how ISP operations folk feel about this.
He's right. ISPs owe it to their users, if not to the rest of the Internet community, to do this. A lot of it is also part of the MAAWG bcps on spam (though the BCPs, when implemented, will do a lot more good than just cut down on spam)
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