Thank you very much everyone for so many private and public responses. We've setup a smaller and focused discussion group for the parties interested in discussing Puerto Rico Internet Exchange Project. You can subscribe here https://groups.google.com/a/puertorico-ix.com . I have received some tremendous private support to proceed with this project and we will do so, trying our best. mehmet On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 12:29 AM Frank Habicht <geier@geier.ne.tz> wrote:
On 14/09/2018 16:08, Sander Steffann wrote:
In general an IX only makes sense when there are local resources to exchange. It doesn’t seem like PR has a lot of, if any, content providers of its own, so most consumer content is coming from offshore anyway.
This can also work the other way: once there is a local IXP, it can open opportunities for local content providers.
Cheers, Sander
I'd also think that if there is sufficient local motivation, the local guys should get something started for their own purposes.
And that would maybe not immediately include "big content", but it would keep their own domestic traffic local. So even if it's not lots of Gigabits immediately, even if the latency "penalty" without local peering isn't that big, it would still cost them something to pass traffic through the water, and a local IXP should be cheaper if run with low overhead...
Establishing an "aggregation point" would be the first step, and then outsiders can see what's possible there.
Frank not knowing much about the specific environment