I was under the impression that this was going to be transitioned out (at least that is what my WorldCom rep told me about a year ago)... On Feb 25, 2001 Josh Richards spake:
Anyone give me an idea of what sort of traffic passes to (and hopefully thru!) their MAE-LA peers? It's hard to tell whether anyone cares about this NAP or not, and there appears to be significantly less potential peering partners connected to it. Makes for a tough ROI argument when compared to the other NAPs. While I realize some of this might be a critical mass issue, MAE-LA seems to have been fairly stagnant for several years now.
While we're at it, have any input on PacBell's NAP? :-)
BTW: Anyone considering connecting to Telehouse's 6IIX IPv6 exchange points at this point? They are collocated inside with NYIIX and LAIIX.
---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@geekresearch.com/cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us> Geek Research LLC - <URL:http://www.geekresearch.com/> IP Network Engineering and Consulting
-- Rich Sena - ras@thick.net ThickNET Consulting "On the way to understanding; you understand, and forget."