On Thu, 31 Jul 2008, Joe Maimon wrote:
You try something, see if it works. Then try something a little bit less, see if it works, and so on.
If what you are saying translates to
"How much pain can we inflict on our customers before they break (whether or not it increases revenue or decreases costs)?"
More like "let's give it a shot, see if they are on to us. Best case we suceeded, worst case we give a little way and try again. In all likelihood we will end up better off, and at the worst at a regular starting position for the deal/negotiation/kick in the nuts.
Then yes, it is inherently malicious, but of a natural predatory sort.
Isn't malicious, just not very ethical. Having been on the recieving end a few times.. you don't always know it is happening. But now that we all released some steam, I don't think billing practices is really our expertise here.. although many of us techies negotiate the bandwidth and peering for some very odd reason. Gadi.