On Mon, 17 Sep 2001, Daniel Golding wrote:
1) The Internet, as currently constituted makes a lousy news propagation method, for large audiences. The one to many model in unicast IP puts too large of a load on the source. Good multicast (which we don't have yet) may
one comment on this: email-based news seemed to work VERY well - both very focused news (such as operational material on nanog), and more general news (I found CNNs "breaking news" email list to be very informative - in fact, I first heard about the initial airliner crash via that list) Miles ************************************************************************** The Center for Civic Networking PO Box 600618 Miles R. Fidelman, President & Newtonville, MA 02460-0006 Director, Municipal Telecommunications Strategies Program 617-558-3698 fax: 617-630-8946 mfidelman@civicnet.org http://civic.net/ccn.html Information Infrastructure: Public Spaces for the 21st Century Let's Start With: Internet Wall-Plugs Everywhere Say It Often, Say It Loud: "I Want My Internet!" **************************************************************************