On Tue, 30 Mar 2004, Stewart, William C (Bill), RTSLS wrote:
ping did _this_ Ping is not very informative or accurate. If you run a traceroute, which is also not very accurate,
Get the best of both tools and use mtr (assuming unix-like platform). There are similar tools for windows (pingplotter?). This thread reminds me of my own DSL, which rides the ILEC's network and is handed off to $work at the CO as an ATM PVC. For years, my DSL service has osciliated from fine (20-30ms ping times) to not good (200-300ms) to unusable (>=1000ms ping times). It seems to work fine for months, then get bad to really bad for days or weeks at a time. I've replaced CPE several times, and even keep 2 totally different brand/model routers at the house, just in case (so when I call the DSG, I can say "yes, not only have I power cycled it, I've replaced the router"). I've spent considerable time on the phone with the ILEC. Most calls, they claim there's nothing wrong. A few times, they've admitted it's a known problem with the "lt card", not that that means much to me, and resetting it often makes things better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________