Geeze paul. People have been dealing with impersonation for eternity. Just because you get impersonated by a few people you want to put the entire list under marshall law? I hope you dont ever run a country. Let YOUR actions speak louder than impersonated words ("Paul would NEVER say that...") Dont you have some bugs to fix in bind or something? Instead of whining about other people's actions, bring yours up to par first. (exiled!dave) http://www.tch.org/~ser/wtf2.jpg (Jason Legate)
Agreed, there is far too much impersonation happening on this list, I am sure that Bandy Rush would agree with me as well. To have malicious people abuse our good names is just unacceptable.
Vaul Pixie - vaul@wayabove.net
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 13:24:42 -0400 From: Dmitri Krioukov <dima@krioukov.net> To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: RE: piracy on parade
wouldn't it to be a right time to get list moderated?
thanks, -- dima.
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