This is an auto-generated mail on Fri Jan 16 12:00:00 PST 1998 It is not checked before it leaves my workstation. However, hopefully you will find this report interesting and will take the time to look through this to see if you can improve the amount of aggregation you perform. The report is split into sections: 0) General Status List the route table history for the last week, list any possibly bogus routes seen and give some status on ASes. 1) Gains by aggregating at the origin AS level This lists the "Top 30" players who if they decided to aggregate their announced classful prefixes at the origin AS level could make a significant difference in the reduction of the current size of the Internet routing table. This calculation does not take into account the inclusion of holes when forming an aggregate so it is possible even larger reduction should be possible. 2) Weekly Delta A summary of the last weeks changes in terms of withdrawn and added routes. Please note that this is only a snapshot but does give some indication of ASes participating in CIDR. Clearly, it is generally a good thing to see a large amont of withdrawls. 3) Interesting aggregates Interesting here means not an aggregate made as a set of classful routes. Thanks to xara.net for giving me access to their routing tables once a day. Please send any comments about this report directly to me. Check http://www.employees.org/~tbates/cidr-report.html for a daily update of this report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIDR REPORT for 16Jan98 0) General Status Table History ------------- Date Prefixes 090198 47514 100198 47408 110198 47661 120198 47816 130198 47654 140198 47809 150198 47905 160198 48136 Check http://www.employees.org/~tbates/cidr.plot.html for a plot of the table history. Possible Bogus Routes --------------------- *** Bogus from AS701 AS Summary ---------- Number of ASes in routing system: 3118 Number of ASes announcing only one prefix: 1448 (743 cidr, 705 classful) Largest number of cidr routes: 458 announced by AS3561 Largest number of classful routes: 991 announced by AS701 1) Gains by aggregating at the origin AS level --- 16Jan98 --- ASnum NetsNow NetsCIDR NetGain % Gain Description AS2493 696 390 306 44.0% iSTAR Internet, Inc. AS4293 417 205 212 50.8% IMCI AS174 880 675 205 23.3% Performance Systems International AS816 577 406 171 29.6% UUNET Canada (ASN-UUNETCA-AS4) AS3602 450 300 150 33.3% Sprint Canada Inc. AS3749 201 60 141 70.1% TECNET AS701 991 888 103 10.4% Alternet AS3751 122 46 76 62.3% SNET-AS AS721 352 278 74 21.0% DLA-ASNBLOCK-AS AS2048 162 90 72 44.4% LaNet AS5668 103 36 67 65.0% Century Telephone Inc. AS3804 203 141 62 30.5% Bell Solutions AS1 852 791 61 7.2% BBNPLANET AS549 217 162 55 25.3% ONet Backbone AS3464 120 65 55 45.8% Alabama Research and Education Ne AS271 111 56 55 49.5% BCnet Backbone AS7545 115 63 52 45.2% TPG Internet Pty Ltd AS1239 578 526 52 9.0% SprintLink Backbone AS72 84 36 48 57.1% Schlumberger Information Network AS4763 127 79 48 37.8% Telstra New Zealand AS719 502 457 45 9.0% LANLINK autonomous system AS1221 261 216 45 17.2% AARNET-AS AS4648 194 150 44 22.7% NZIX 2 AS684 84 42 42 50.0% Manitoba Regional Network Backbon AS3561 927 885 42 4.5% MCI AS3493 194 154 40 20.6% INTERLINK AS4740 331 292 39 11.8% ASN-OZEMAIL (Ozemail Pty Ltd) AS2711 93 54 39 41.9% SUNBELT-AS AS1691 161 123 38 23.6% BCTEL AS6332 81 44 37 45.7% TELNOR For the rest of the previous weeks gain information please see http://www.employees.org:80/~tbates/cidr-report.html 2) Weekly Delta Please see http://www.employees.org:80/~tbates/cidr-report.html for this part of the report 3) Interesting aggregates Please see http://www.employees.org:80/~tbates/cidr-report.html for this part of the report