In article <F05D77A9631CAE4097F7B69095F1B06F039104@EX02.drtel.lan>, Brian Johnson <bjohnson@drtel.com> writes
Some people have no perspective on what the Internet is and it's real power. I've met too many people who claim to be "in the know" on these topics that don't understand that NAT was designed for address preservation.
Especially as most (I guess) users of NATing CPEs only have one dynamic IP address, of which they are generally oblivious. I have a feeling that the first NAT box I had (maybe 12 years ago), connected to the Internet by dial-up, where traditionally the user inherits the IP address (singular) of the modem/gateway they dialled into, even if they have multiple hosts on their premises.
That was the only/primary/driving real reason for its development. The other "features" were side effects and are not intended to be solutions to production issues.
But NAT does have the useful (I think) side effect that I don't have to renumber my network when I change upstream providers - whether that's once every five years like I just did with my ADSL, or once every time the new ADSL hiccups[1] now that I have a CPE with 3G failover. [1] Seems to be about weekly, so far. -- Roland Perry