31 Mar
31 Mar
2:48 a.m.
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 6:31 PM, Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> wrote:
Perhaps because the pr0n and w4rez are just bits on the wire for most operators, not terabytes of disk space on servers we own.
pr0n, w4rez, and other large binaries encoded with UUENCODE are easy to identify and block. It's not pr0n that's killing Usenet, the problem is spam junk mail chain letters E-mail address harvesters (where you get bombarded with direct-emailed crap if you dare post a message to USENET). And the like. The advantage 'forum sites' have is, you don't reveal your e-mail address to the public when posting. And automated spam sending can be mitigated through the use of CAPTCHAs. --- -JH