For interconnection? Coresite and Markley. Equals if not soon to be differentiated through Mass-IX being regional and Boston-IX not. As well as costs, yield curves, power costs, etc. Boston is very much a ‘what do you need’ location and not everything will work for everyone. For true carrier hotels? 451 D Street, 230 Congress and 50 Post Office Square. If you need help with that solution, reach out to me directly. I will get you pointed in the right direction and the right people. These are not enterprise plays unless you have deep fiber clue and want long term NNN leases. For Boston commodity data center? See {datacenterhawk, peeringDB}. There is a solid core of Boston on this list. Catch us aksi on Twitter @peeringforumNE or search engine = Boston Network Operators Group BOSNOG. 300 Bent is fiber rich. Never stood up as an interconnection site. Level 3 wasn’t neutral. 50 IB? Don’t think Internap was neutral per se, but someone will correct me if I am wrong. Cheers, -M< On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 16:16 Rod Beck <rod.beck@unitedcablecompany.com> wrote:
Does everyone agree that the 4 most important data centers are 1 Summer, Coresite, INAP, and 300 Bent Street. Both 1 Summer and Coresite clearly below in that group. Not sure about INAP and 300 Bent Street.
Roderick Beck VP of Business Development
United Cable Company
New York City & Budapest
Budapest: 36-70-605-5144
NJ: 908-452-8183
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