Jeff Shultz wrote:
By no means am I encouraging legally actionable activity, however, and as noted, (b) just might be.
LOL! Did you read down to the end?... /quote/ I can't afford to sue D-Link. It seems that they have managed to arrange their corporate affairs so that there is no way I can sue them here in Denmark, but will have to do it either in Taiwan or USA. Needless to say, I can't afford that. // I would buy a ticket to witness the sublime poetic justice of D-Link trying to appeal to the Danish legal system over Poul's efforts to fend off their connections. And in response to Kevin Day:
I think the lesson here is that any service you make available to the public (NTP, DNS, IRC, SMTP, whatever) is going to be used in ways that do not match with your desires.
I take it then that you are among those who believe that abuse of any of these types of services should only be countered by technical means then, and never through legal remedies?