As much as Mr Cohen's minor libel of Spamhaus and ARIN exposes him as perhaps having something to hide on this subject, Mr Guilmette's message here, among the other screeds of his I have read, seems to leak anti-Semitism from its every fetid, infected pore. I have no doubt that Mr Cohen, in acting in a manner that could be construed as libeling ARIN and Spamhaus, as well as in this unproven allegation of IP address space misappropriation that he is acting particularly guilty of, has things he needs to answer for and has not. However, given this performance and others I've read from Mr Guilmette, I would not hesitate to ascribe the same quality to Mr Guilmette. On Thu, 19 Sep 2019 04:03:35 -0700 "Ronald F. Guilmette" <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
In message <8A49BF73-7A68-4B8F-9DC5-E94B7FE637F2@globalone.io>, Florian Brandstetter <florianb@globalone.io> wrote:
... this is certainly not a place where you can slander his name or anyone associated with him in any manner for the entertainment of everyone...
If I have slandered anyone, then I shall bear the price for that, in accordance with law. I have accepted that risk, in order to say what I have said, and I have done so from within the most litigious nation on earth.
Meanwhile, if I am right and if Mr. Cohen is wrong, then what price will he pay for his misdeeds, and who will see to it that he receives the justice due him?
Mr. Cohen sits with impunity in Israel, and by remote control appears to request his California lawyer, the colorful and storied Mr. Bennett Kelley, to file suit against me, even as Mr. Cohen takes IPv4 space away from legitimate businesses and governmental entities in South Africa, Australia, and Japan, also by remote control, and also with the relative impunity afforded him by his sheer distance from these places. I have risked my neck, my reputation, and my entire bank account in order to call him out, and if you think that I have done so lightly or without evidence you are wrong. Meanwhile, what has Mr. Cohen risked? And who will see to it that he pays an appropriate price, in Israel, if I am right and he is wrong?
Regards, rfg
-- Large Hadron Collider <large.hadron.collider@gmx.com>