I will probably just get another link to https://isbgpsafeyet.com/ <https://isbgpsafeyet.com/> like I did in the first e-mail. LOL Justin Wilson j2sw@mtin.net — https://j2sw.com - All things jsw (AS209109) https://blog.j2sw.com - Podcast and Blog
On May 29, 2020, at 11:57 AM, Chuck Anderson <cra@WPI.EDU> wrote:
Go back to them and tell them that a hijacked prefix is different from a hijacked AS.
On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 11:39:46AM -0400, Justin Wilson (Lists) wrote:
One of the companies I work for recently had an issue with AS 2 (University of Delaware) hijacking a prefix. Due to Origin AS, good upstreams, and the like this has not really affected the traffic to the legit blocks. However, GeoMind picked this up almost immediately it seems. The IP blocks when you go to speedtest.net come back to the university of Delaware. This seems to be the only issue at the moment so we are working through contacting the peers of AS2 and asking them to look into this. We had also contacted University of Delaware.
Here is where the philosophy comes into play. The very terse e-mail we received back was basically “As2 gets hijacked a lot and it’s not our problem”. So my question for the NANOG folks. At what point do you say “it’s not your problem” when it involves your ASN?
Rant I almost always have issues with GeoMind and others when it comes to IP space. Several of my folks have received allocations from Arin in March. A few are still fighting with geolocation stuff with a few of the providers. So why does GeoMind atomically accept a hijacked prefix as correct? All the right boxes have been ticked. Origin Validiation, registry sets, etc.