Kyle, I am on both ATM naps, and I am on some legacy FDDI. Even if you just picked up your existing peers, and the routes were taken from the ATM fabric it would be worth it. I am more than willing to meet you ate MAE-E ATM. I am also interested in meeting DLR@bungi.com. Say the word and we'll meet you at west, as well. First one's on will get all those wonderful MAE routes, without the "joy" of the shared fabric. (I would be more than willing to meet AIS.net there, as well..) Richard One Call Communications, Inc. Kyle_Bacon/Fnsi/US@fnsi.net wrote:
Has anyone seen an ATM participant list for MAE-E and MAE-W? Is it worth (peer wise) starting the migration process from Legacy FDDI to ATM?
Steve Feldman <feldman@mfst.com> on 09/08/98 04:29:27 PM
To: jamie@ais.net, nanog@merit.edu cc: (bcc: Kyle Bacon/Fnsi/US) Subject: Re: mfst.com www
Where did www.mfst.com go? It was assimilated... Where to get info, peer lists, etc., for mae-* ? The same information is (unofficially) available at: http://www.mae.net Steve