In message <64245AC1-BC00-4928-B2F7-F259E8632655@puck.nether.net>, Jared Mauch writes:
On Sep 19, 2013, at 4:36 PM, "John Souvestre" <johns@sstar.com> wrote:
Hi Jared.
The attitude in this email I have encountered elsewhere. Apple pays for bandwidth, customers pay for access. Not sure why their release strategy is so highly critiqued.
Because it impacts other, non-Apple customers. Or, it costs the ISP more (passed through to all customers) to add capacity to handle an infrequent peak load.
Question/suggestion: Could Apple perhaps shift their release to a Saturday morning? I would think that this would go a long way to diluting the peak.
John Souvestre - New Orleans LA - (504) 454-0899
I think there's a lot that could be done when looking at how to shift this.
I've seen one other carrier privately talk to me about the impact and possible impacts to their network. Most of these are folks (along with warren) who are worried about their RF budgets and these event traffic, or even just the nightly traffic peaks.
I have advised some in the past to put up caches, but the content owners also make it difficult to do this. Apple sets very short expire values, and you end up with lots of "bad" settings. Apple devices don't honor DHCP option 252 either.
Oh you mean that option that never made it past a internet-draft that expired 13 years ago[1] and is in the private range[2] to boot. If you want proxy discovery to work on all devices complete the process of getting a code point allocated then get the OS vendors to query for it. 252 is fine for experimenting / proof of concept but it really is the wrong value for long term use. Mark [1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-wrec-wpad-01 [2] http://www.iana.org/assignments/bootp-dhcp-parameters/bootp-dhcp-parameters....
This means you're stuck with a transparent proxy, (lets just say squid) putting itself in all tcp/80 traffic, or worse with lots of settings like: reload-into-ims override-expire etc..
This can solve some problems for those who have a 20-50Mb/s link to the internet and 50-100 customers each getting 1Mb/s+ on their CPE.
The results I've always seen are you need to find the strategic location to deploy these caches, capabilities or expand your network bandwidth, etc..
Based on all the recent people asking for a fast link in "X" location recently, I'm hoping there will be some better match-making happening soon.
- Jared
-- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org