Hey Christian, lists@packetflux.com (Forrest Christian (List Account)) wrote:
Many, if not most, modern hosting providers will give you a bgp session. I've used vultr in the past but it's not nearly as hard to find a provider which accepts bgp anymore. It seems like every time I'm looking for a new provider that's on the list of features.
Well... there's a difference between what's on paper and what actually works; also, many hosting providers charge quite a bit for the privilege, while others offer it included and with great service to boot. During my "shopping spree" half a year ago, I found vultr and ifog to be among the best, to be affordable, and also having decent global coverage. They also (both) have really good support. Additional shout-out to first root, if you want to host in Düsseldorf ;-) Interested in more useful providers (aka "working, affordable, usable"). Elmar. PS: I went through the list at https://bgp.services - thank you for providing that service, even if some on the list turned out more complicated/useless than expected ;-)