On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:26 AM, Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> wrote:
Anyone here use AltDB? It seems their servers have been down for two days. Can anyone from Level3 say how this will impact customer BGP filters. Will L3 keep working with the last data sync they got from altdb? I'm guessing
Since Level3 updates their prefix-lists at least daily, and integrates new ALTDB updates at least daily, and the ALTDB has been down for over a day, obviously it will not affect your Level3 prefix-lists in the near-term. If Level3 decided to stop honoring ALTDB objects, say, because ALTDB was never fixed, I imagine you would find it necessary to re-publish your objects or Level3 would stop honoring your routes.
I'd been thinking about moving from altdb to ARIN's but hadn't had sufficient motivation.
I emailed ARIN yesterday to ask if their IRR database has any authentication support (other than mail-from) yet. I haven't seen any reply from ARIN yet, but my guess is they still have no useful authentication mechanism. I would rather depend on an IRR database that can't process updates for a few days per year, than use one where a malicious party could alter or erase all of my objects at any time. I would like to note that RADB had route6: support in about 2004 or so, if my memory serves me; while the ARIN database did not accept route6 objects until about a year ago. So it is not exactly a high priority for ARIN. Note also that Level3 has an IRR database, so you could use theirs if you want to. I don't prefer to use a transit provider database if I can use a "neutral" one, but sometimes I would rather not pay the (entirely reasonable) fee for the MERIT RADB. -- Jeff S Wheeler <jsw@inconcepts.biz> Sr Network Operator / Innovative Network Concepts