At 06:05 PM 9/12/2001, you wrote:
Quite more interesting is why nobody noticed that 4 airliners where hijacked almost the same time.
Not surprising. Aircraft are "flight followed" by a series of control centers across the nation, each responsible for a given chunk of airspace. Something happening in an area controlled by Center "A", for example, wouldn't be passed on to Center "B" (which has it's own problems to work) unless it impacted Center "B". Furthermore, unless someone TELLS Center they're being hijacked, there's no way for a controller - looking at
a blip - to know what's up. And any controller can tell you that pilots do
Somehow the people who did this managed to turn off the transponders on these planes. Normally a plane flying in controlled airspace squawks a unique id and altitude which is decoded by their radar and associated with each blip. Sometimes low cost homebuilts/ultralights fly with no transponder, but Boeings <sarcasm>usually</sarcasm> do. If you set a transponder to 7500, it means you're being hijacked. BTW if you see your friend Jack at the airport, be sure to say, "What's up, Jack!" instead of "Hi Jack!" So how do you deal with this? Blowing up a whole country? I wonder if the US should adopt a 'fire w/ fire' approach and invest in intelligence, covert ops and assassinations. It would seem that it is open season on terrorism by every democratic nation, I expect to see very conspicuous Samuel Jackson style ass whoopins on whiny extremist groups to satiate America's anger. Terrorize the terrorists. Oh yeah, obviously Echelon should probably have MacOS loaded on it. -b