On Oct 21, "Dorian R. Kim" <dorian@blackrose.org> wrote:
Then perhaps it might of interest to start a meta discussion about problems of scalability of Gigaswitch based exchange points as well as possible future direction of such large exchange points?
AFAIK, there are only two types of exchanges out there today: 1. Switched Ethernet and/or FDDI 2. ATM We all know switched ethernet doesn't scale by itself, which is why we've gone to switched FDDI. And, it's quite possible that we're reaching the end of scalability for switched FDDI -- unless, of course, some amazing new technolgy comes along and fixes everything in one swell foop. Are the ATM-based NAP's having any problems with scalability these days? How far can they go? Personally, I'd also be really curious as to any testing that people have done or are doing in terms of other forms of NAP fabric. Will gigabit ethernet save us all? ********************************************************* J.D. Falk voice: +1-650-482-2840 Supervisor, Network Operations fax: +1-650-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net "The People You Know. The People You Trust." *********************************************************