Totally agree with Ytti subrated sfp Yummyyyyy Andreas Larsen IP-Only AB | Postadress: 753 81 UPPSALA | Besöksadress Uppsala: S:t Persg 6 Besöksadress Stockholm: N Stationsg 69 | Vxl: +46 18 843 10 00 | Mobil +46 70 843 10 56 www.ip-only.se 24 jun 2014 kl. 08:37 skrev Saku Ytti <saku@ytti.fi>:
On (2014-06-23 11:13 +0200), Pieter Hulshoff wrote:
feature and market information for such a device, and I would welcome some feedback from interested people. Discussion about other types of smart SFPs would also be welcome. Feel free to contact me directly using the contact information below.
I'd do questionable things for subrate SFP, SFP which I can put to 1GE port and have 10M and 100M rates available. Or to 10GE port and get 1GE, 100M and 10M
Use case is network generation upgrade where you still have one or two 100M ports for MGMT ports etc.
There are quite few service SFP already available, RAD does E1 over IP/ETH tunnels in SFP, Huawei has router-in-SFP, JDSU has ethernet probe in SFP, probably quite few others.
-- ++ytti