Does anyone else see this as a bad thing? I'm all for Cisco moving hardware, but is it really wise to BGP enable everybody w/ a T1? --- Cisco Systems Inc <1731BellSouth@ciscomessage.com> wrote:
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 12:57:00 -0700 From: Cisco Systems Inc <1731BellSouth@ciscomessage.com> Subject: Free Online Seminar from Cisco and BellSouth
Dear Jim,
Network Redundancy: BellSouth Dedicated Internet Access with Border Gateway Protocol is an on-line, on-demand Web seminar sponsored by BellSouth and Cisco Systems. It addresses the needs of many of today's companies for increasingly stable and reliable networks as they become engaged as full e-businesses --- and how BGP meets those needs, and then some. You can view this Web seminar now at http://www.cisco.com/go/semreg/bellsouth/ee.
Network Redundancy: BellSouth Dedicated Internet Access with Border Gateway Protocol will examine: * the often monumental revenue and productivity losses due to failed connections, outages and degradations * the value of redundant Internet connections, and the available options, including the benefits of Border Gateway Protocol multihoming method * the importance of the Cisco Powered Network and Cisco Internetworking Operating Software in a high-reliability, end-to-end network solution * the case for BellSouth as the provider of choice in these challenging times, including financial strength, technological expertise and track record
IT professionals today need to use every tool possible to help them optimize their e-operations. This Web seminar will introduce you to a powerful tool from BellSouth --- as well as a very special offer. Purchase a BellSouth redundant DIA circuit (T1 or higher) before January 18th, 2002 and get full BGP implementation --- a $1900 value.
"Network Redundancy: BellSouth Dedicated Internet Access with Border Gateway Protocol" is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at http://www.cisco.com/go/semreg/bellsouth/ee. View this seminar today.
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