On Oct 31, 2008, at 1:32 AM, Nelson Lai wrote:
Why do some companies like Cogent get depeered relatively often and companies like Teleglobe don't even get talked about and operate in silence free from depeering?
That's funny. One of the first networks to de-peer Cogent was Teleglobe. They re-peered after a bit. The next obvious question is: When Sprint, Telia & L3 de-peering Cogent, it causes a lot of news in the press & noise on NANOG, so why didn't you know Teleglobe depeered Cogent? Is this because Teleglobe runs a better network than Sprint? Well, that's hard to say, but please note that when Teleglobe depeered Cogent, they were disconnected just as Sprint & Cogent are disconnected now. Doesn't matter how 'good' a network you run, if packets won't go there, you can't get there. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out the rest. -- TTFN, patrick