> is there any statistics on aggregated VoIP signaling > bandwidth and aggregated VoIP data bandwidth? eg. if > we monitored there is 2Mbps(average) traffic on VoIP > signaling protocol ports ( including SIP, H.323, > MGCP), how could we estimate average VoIP data > bandwidth? For any given user population, you could calculate the ratio, but that's an observation, not a predictive rule. And it would be different for every population. On the other hand, if you have access to the signaling traffic, it _contains_ the statistics about the data traffic. Byte-counts, times, loss, latency, jitter, and out-of-order delivery. All right there in each SIP-Bye message. Which, of course, you aren't guaranteed to see, but there again, you can extrapolate from knowing what portion you are seeing. -Bill