17 Feb
17 Feb
3:14 p.m.
On 2/17/14, 7:26 AM, George, Wes wrote:
I’ll note that this is less than 140 chars, and therefore fits nicely in a tweet.
If you’re on twitter, Signal boost the PSA, please.
My edited example: https://twitter.com/wesgeorge/status/435404354242478080
Wes George
On 2/16/14, 10:03 PM, "Kate Gerry" <kate@quadranet.com> wrote:
add these to your ntp.conf restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery
I seem to recall some issue with older Windows clients using peer for synchronization. Does not having "nopeer" contribute to DDoS amplification?