My point is ... If the transfers are not honored then they will have no value. The crunch in IP space can be drastically reduced if the horded addressed where returned to the pool for use by those that need them. It is not yours. Anyone who sells IP addresses is committing fraud. Sell the deed to the moon and you land in jail. OK who owned it? The administrative contact, the technical contact? If I am an administrator for XYZ corp and I sell XYZ's unused class B to ABC corp for $10K ... have I embezzled $10K worth of assets from XYZ? When the lawers get wind of this we are all in it deep. You are treading on very shaky ground. Your free market sounds more like anarchy. Commerce can not function without law. This line of reasoning based on "anarchist economics" will bring the whole structure down on all of us. Catch 22 - If you sell it, you don't need it. You don't need it it goes back to the numbering authority. Since the original user of the IP address did not pay for it, how can they claim to own it? Quid Pro Quo! --- On Sun, 9 Mar 1997 11:07:38 -0600 (CST) "Brett L. Hawn" <blh@nol.net> wrote:
Demand vs. Supply, this sounds like a 3rd grade economics class. This is no longer a couple of colleges with a bunch of grad students folks. This is a worldwide business (no matter how much me, you, or anyone else would like it be something else) and people are here to make a dollar. If I can makea few bucks (or a hell of a lot of bucks) by selling space that is mine to do with as I please.. so be it.
On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, Joseph T. Klein wrote:
More than a few people have hoarded, sold, and exchanged Class Bs for profit. Such exchanges should be given the same value as the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge and lunar land parcels.
The result of a few gaining money for B space has been to encourage people to horde it. -- From: Joseph T. Klein, Titania Corporation http://www.titania.net E-mail: jtk@titania.net Sent: 09:38:37 CST/CDT 03/09/97
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759
[-] Brett L. Hawn (blh @ nol dot net) [-] [-] Networks On-Line - Houston, Texas [-] [-] 713-467-7100 [-]
---------------End of Original Message----------------- -- From: Joseph T. Klein, Titania Corporation http://www.titania.net E-mail: jtk@titania.net Sent: 20:08:13 CST/CDT 03/09/97 "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759