Steve Noble wrote:
Since I was recently tracking back a 4Mb/s attack coming from UUNet and had a chance to deal with their security department, I think I should comment.
a.) The UUNet security department was amazingly helpful and clueful
Having actually visited the UUNet NOC when I was in DC in May, courtesy of an acquaintance of mine who works in UUNet Abuse[0], I will say the following: 1. There are a lot of people working there. 33, to be exact. 2. The half-dozen that I talked to that were there on that day (Saturday) impressed me as people who know what they're doing and actually *do* give a damn.
I've always been impressed with UUNet's ability to handle their customers even with such a large network. They have -never- refused to track an attack for me, and have always been more then helpful.
They still have some issues with spamhandling, but that's gotten MUCH better, according to the data I see in my Inbox. And of course, DoS attacks must always be given a higher priority than junk e-mail. -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor Pictures of two of my 'children': http://www.WrinkleDogs.com About Spamfighters: "We're not net nazis. We're dot communists." - W. Arnold