19 Jul
19 Jul
9:41 a.m.
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:36:31PM -0400, Chuck Church wrote:
I disagree. I see it as an extra layer of security. If DOD had a network with address space 'X', obviously it's not advertised to the outside. It never interacts with public network. Having it duplicated on the outside
world adds an extra layer of complexity to a hacker trying to access it. It's not a be-all/end-all, but it's a plus. A hacker who's partially in the network may try to access network 'X', but it routes to the outside world, tripping IDSs...
Never is a -very- long time. That said, -IF- DoD did authorize another party/contractor to utilize some DoD address blocks, its not clear if that LOA would be public. /bill