28 Mar
28 Mar
9:34 p.m.
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, Mike Damm wrote: Here was my official reply I sent to him: [smarmy email elided] Thats the email you sent to Mr. Miyoko Shioda? You might want to get in touch with Mr. JC Dill then, and ask her which bothers her more- gender assumptions or MUA snobbery. Cheers, toots. (Mr.) Matt Ghali --- Michael Damm, MIS Department, Irwin Research & Development V: 509.457.5080 x298 F: 509.577.0301 E: miked@irwinresearch.com --mghali@snark.net------------------------------------------<darwin>< Flowers on the razor wire/I know you're here/We are few/And far between/I was thinking about her skin/Love is a many splintered thing/Don't be afraid now/Just walk on in. #include <disclaim.h>