15 Aug
15 Aug
10:08 p.m.
Going further I think IL-CERT is doing a great service to the Internet community. Their alerts allow to responsible network admins to investigate and to preserve their networks clean of debris like spyware and trojans. Do what you want with your networks, but PLEASE keep the Internet clean. Abraços, Marlon Borba, CISSP. -- Nova campanha: Centro de Resposta a Incidentes de Segurança da Justiça Federal - Vamos criar! --
"Hannigan, Martin" <hannigan@verisign.com> 08/15/05 6:05 PM >>>
The question of self promotion came back split down the middle. It was noted that IL CERT does a fantastic job seeing that there are no IL networks listed. Or none that are easily identifiable. [...]