But the vendors aren't unable -- AFAIK, such devices have been available on the market for, what, 7-8 years now? It's just your wallet that's unable to get equipment that's needed to face the network that's getting more complex. Cisco reps are still selling SUP32's to people despite being told the customer wants to take full routes. That's either incompetence, or dishonesty.
It has nothing to do with budget. If you are told Product A will do the job and costs $100k, and product B will also do the job but costs only $50k, you'd be an idiot to go with product A. Furthermore- Cisco doesn't have a product to meet their needs. A Sup32 with a 3bxl is what a lot of people need, but Cisco seems intent on forcing people to upgrade to a Sup720. That's just overkill for most people. -Don