On Nov 29, 2012, at 12:58 , Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com> wrote:
On November 29, 2012 at 11:45 patrick@ianai.net (Patrick W. Gilmore) wrote:
On Nov 29, 2012, at 11:17 , Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com> wrote:
It's funny, it's all illusion like show business. It's not hard to set up anonymous service, crap, just drop in at any wi-fi hotspot, many just ask you to click that you accept their T&Cs and you're on. Would they raid them, I was just using one at a major hospital this week that was just like that, if someone used that for child porn etc? But I guess stick your nose out and say you're specifically offering anon accts and watch out I guess.
Do you think if the police found out child pr0n was being served from a starbux they wouldn't confiscate the equipment from that store?
I dunno, has it ever happened?
No idea. However, I would not be the least bit surprised. In fact, I would be surprised if they failed to do so, after having "proof" that child pr0n was served from one.
I mean confiscated the store's equipment, I assume that's what you mean. Is that because no one has ever been involved with child porn etc from a Starbucks? Does that seem likely? I don't know, really.
And why would confiscating it from one location address the issue if they offer anonymous hotspots (I don't know if they do but whatever, there are plenty of others) at all locations and they're one company?
It would seem like they'd have to confiscate the equipment at every Starbucks in their jurisdiction, which could be every one in the US for example.
They didn't confiscate every Tor exit node in the US once they found something nefarious emanating from one. -- TTFN, patrick