[NANOG has been bouncing my attempts to reply to this thread for several days, possibly because I quoted the word "u n st a b l e" early on, apparently triggering the "un subs cribe" filter for words that start with "uns" and contain a "b".. If your posts to NANOG have been silently bounced in the past, and your network's operational issues lead you to start your posts with words like "uns tab le" or "uns ol vable" or "uns uit able" or "u nsp eak able," wonder no more. ] At any rate, about two days ago Senthil wrote:
BGP was more [un st a ble] during code red propagation(http://www.renesys.com/projects/bgp_instability/.)
A quick peek into both the graphs will make one thing clear: *BGP is robust enough to withstand any extreme congestion.*
Anyone interested in this might also like to look at our report titled "Internet Routing Behavior on 9/11 and in the Following Weeks." http://www.renesys.com/projects/reports/renesys-030502-NRC-911.pdf Note in particular the minute-by-minute changes in routing table size around critical events on pages 9 through 11. Fine time granularity is important to avoid missing all the interesting features. --jim