Once upon a time, Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org> said:
1) we have customers on policed ports, and the interface snmp counters count packets before service-policy. It doesn't seem right to bill for packets we dropped :)...so this isn't useful data for billing purposes.
Not sure how you are policing, but I belive both Juniper and Cisco have MIBs that show the policed traffic. For example, when we used Cisco CAR to limit traffic on some ports, I set up Cricket to monitor both the base port and the CAR stats (so we could see how much traffic was actually passed). I haven't got around to doing it for Juniper firewall policers, but I pretty sure the info is in a MIB. -- Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.