In my experience, Brocades in general aren’t very picky when it comes to working with any optic branding. It’s just the DOM that might or might not work. I’ve only ever had 1 vendor show issues with Brocade after an ironware upgrade. Can always grab a few brocade branded optics from Flexoptix Jeroen Wunnink Intergration Engineering www.gtt.net <http://www.gtt.net/> On 20/12/2017, 03:26, "NANOG on behalf of Mike Hammett" <nanog-bounces@nanog.org on behalf of nanog@ics-il.net> wrote: A client of mine has some Foundry FastIron Edge X424HFs. Brocade and Extreme don't seem overly ambitious to help. Anyone have any documentation they can scrounge up? SFP compatibility list? The ones I see in there already look substantially like the ones I get from FiberStore, but that doesn't mean much. Do they still sell support on these? I'm largely just interested in newer firmware for them. I don't think they were updated since they left the factory and there are a few quirks I'm hoping they addressed at some point. ----- Mike Hammett Intelligent Computing Solutions Midwest Internet Exchange The Brothers WISP