On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Derrick Bennett wrote:
I really hate doing this but after 5 days and no one at AOL's helpdesk can even tell me why our subnets are being blocked. Can someone with the Postmaster helpdesk level 2 or higher please contact me. I have a ticket, I have followed all the rules, and I am still being told that no one knows why the block is there and no one knows when I will get a
I'd have thought this was common knowledge by now...enough of us have gone through it. Do you currently get scomp reports from AOL for your IP space? If not, tell their helpdesk people you want to get setup for scomp reports. The most likely reason for AOL blocking you is they've received greater than some threshold of AOL user spam complaints for email originating at or relayed through your network. Have you verified that they're blocking entire subnets or all of your IP space, or is it just one or a few mail server IPs? If it's just a few IPs, the quickest fix is to add some additional IPs to your outgoing mail server(s) and make them talk to AOL using the new IPs. That will get mail flowing again, but you still need to track down and deal with whatever problem caused them to block you, or your new IPs will end up blocked as well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________