Kai, Just want to highlight something here:
IPv6 allocation guidelines are pretty much ensuring that only the biggest players with the most engineering resources actually have a shot at IPv6
Presumably, you're talking about the ARIN IPv6 allocation guidelines found at http://www.arin.net/regserv/ipv6/ipv6guidelines.html. IPv6 uses CIDR. CIDR means provider based aggregation. Provider based aggregation means that the vast majority of allocations MUST be made by "transit service providers". In my experience, webhost providers are generally not considered transit providers. Webhosting providers (and other non-"transit" sites) should contact their upstream IPv6 (tunnel or otherwise) provider(s) for IPv6 address space. They should NOT be obtaining space from ARIN or other RIRs. Anything else will simply recreate the swamp. Rgds, -drc (speaking only for myself)